11/11 Kundalini Yoga and Sound Therapy
On the powerful day of November 11th at 11:00 AM, we invite you to a session of Kundalini Yoga and Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy Location: Château Park in Nice
On the powerful day of November 11th at 11:00 AM, we invite you to a session of Kundalini Yoga and Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy Location: Château Park in Nice
On the special date of 12/12, we invite you to an evening of Kundalini Yoga and Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy!
Location: Nice, Kali Yoga Studio
Dance for a Woman serves as a tool:
At the first stage – deep therapy, healing. By fully immersing herself in dance, a Woman removes energetic blocks and tensions in the body. Moreover, by being in the present moment and totally surrendering to the movements, deep relaxation and release occur.