Sound healing or sound therapy is an innovative technology for working with both the physical and mental body. The harmonious vibrations of the 432Hz sound of the bowls come into contact with the vibrations of the body, and thereby a natural alignment of human energies occurs.
Which consequently has a positive effect on health and, in general, on the regeneration of the body at the cellular level.
The 432hz tuning is nature’s sonic balance point. 432 Hz Singing Crystal Bowl vibrates in the principles of the golden ratio (phi) and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, consciousness with biology.
Sound and music are made up of vibrations. The higher the number of vibrations per second, the louder the sound.
The unit for this is Hertz (Hz). 432 Hz is the natural «tone» of the universe. This tone is linked to nature, to life, to mathematics, to planetary orbits, to the entire universe.
432 Hz crystal singing bowls are also tuned in this way.
🔀 Do a simple experiment: listen to music on any media and then observe your inner state. Then do the same after a sound therapy session with 432 Hz crystal bowls.
❗️ Not all crystal bowls resonate at 432Hz.
The 432 Hz sound vibrations of the bowls regenerate the human body at the cellular level. The vibrations of the bowls, in contact with the vibrations of the body, trigger the process of restoration, cleansing and rejuvenation of the body.
🌀Therefore, regular sound healing (sound therapy) sessions are good for health.
During a session, I work separately with each person and his body. Also at the beginning of the session I conduct my own original meditation, which enhances the effect of the sound healing session.