dance as practice

Dance as a Practice

Dance for a Woman serves as a tool:

✔️ At the first stage – deep therapy, healing. By fully immersing herself in dance, a Woman removes energetic blocks and tensions in the body. Moreover, by being in the present moment and totally surrendering to the movements, deep relaxation and release occur. The longer the consciousness stays in the present moment, the deeper the healing processes go.

For a Woman, the hips at the level of the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) hold special significance – by dancing with her hips, a Woman awakens her feminine energy and sexuality. This is why, in my group practices, I bring a belt and we dance while wearing it, to help shake the energy and reveal her sexuality.

✔️ After the Transition, Dance serves as a powerful tool for Reality Transformation and Field Alignment. Movements, technique, and expression unfold in a Woman naturally when her Consciousness is on a higher level. Here, it’s important to trust yourself, and the Sacred Dance will unfold at the right moment.

❕Daily homework:

Find a quiet space, create your favorite atmosphere, play music, and dance, fully surrendering to your body and its movements, allowing it (the Body) to take control for a while instead of the Mind 😉

I’m sure transformations will come very quickly, provided there is regular practice 🙂

❓Do you dance? Regularly? What kind of dance?

With love,

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