Sadhu Board – a method-practice for accelerated manifestation and cleansing of ineffective programs
You can go to psychologists for years (here I in no way want to belittle this profession, but on the contrary, I consider it super useful), but you can speed up everything (especially now in the realities of transition where time is like a rocket 🚀) – and immediately work with practical tools. Nails or sadhu board is one of these ✨
💎The sadhu board is an excellent tool for implementing and launching the materialization of your plans, projects, desires and dreams.
💎Also sadhu board – express vipassana – a very effective method of cleansing from ineffective behavior programs and automatisms.
❓How does it work?
✔️ when you stand on nails and concentrate your attention/energy on a goal, desire, dream instead of thinking about pain all the time – thereby increasing the focus/materialization of what you have planned. The longer you stand on nails, the faster materialization comes.
✔️instead of concentrating on pain, follow your automatisms and leave the board, thereby following the lead of your mind – observe the sensations in your body. In this way, and according to the same principle as Vipassana, old neural connections in the brain are broken, which are precisely responsible for ineffective behavior programs.
This way the programs are cleared.
Plus, nails very good for health, since there are many energy points on the feet that affect the whole body ✨